We take care of
your technology
ArcaNET addresses cyber security in three ways
Our security solutions address all kinds of issues.
General computer security
Data protection and full control on the incoming data traffic.
BYOND is one of the most widespread and sicussed phenomena today. This gives empoyees the ability to use their personal technological devices in the workspace (privte laptops, mobile phones, tablets), saving businesses money. Using one's own private device in the workplace does not only benefit the company economically but also the employee himself as one is not forced to learn new equipment and devices.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Every day we hear about the internet of things, which stems fromn the need to interconnect and exchange information between objects through a certain process. Due to the lifestyle we lead, nowadays we have a wide range of objects applying this process including clocks, thermostats, video cameras, humidity sensors, territorial sensors and inlets.
Through IoT(IoE) Arcanet is working on a project called 'Overwatch', allowing maximum security for citizens.
Cloud solutions have revolutionized companies; data is stored on the network and can be accessed and viewed from anywhere.